I have been taking part in a really fun project during this crazy time called “ THE FRONT PORCH PROJECT”.
This is a moment in history that will be remembered in the Canadian history for years to come and I hope that it has brought you guys as much joy as it did to myself this past week.
Loosing a love one during this time, has shown me how much a photo memory can mean a lot more than we think.
I have been going around taking Photos from the curb of people on their porch in my neighbourhood and surroundings.
Of Course by following all the rules set out by the Government on Social Distancing & these sessions are completely free or by donations.
The donations are going to help local people in our community who really need help during this crazy time. I have done one round of donations already to a local entrepreneur who I know is very need and the other half will go to a non profit organization to help them during this time.
I though I would post all the funny & behind the scenes moments taken in this blog, As there were so many funny bloopers that had to make the cut but I still wanted to share them all with you. Note that each session is no more than 5 minutes each.
IT was very special to me to make sure that I document my family. My step dad & brother and law are both truckers. They have been working so hard for all of us and a nurse working during this crazy time as well
I am very grateful for all the hard work and dedicated hours they have been working ! THANK YOU!!!
I had really great time doing these and I hope that I created a little joy in each one of your days.
I know you have given me a little spark of sunshine while doing these.