I know have mentioned before… But just incase you might of forgot… I LOVE silhouettes!!!

There’s something about a stunning silhouette photograph that grabs my attention every time!!!
Has me oohing and aahing every time.

Maybe it’s the contrast of the dark and light.

The simplicity.

The mystery.

The beauty.

The drama.

Of course … it’s all of the above.


Tip #1  GET LOW
During a shoot don’t ask why I am laying on the ground for this shot.. It’s probably a silhouette. In other words…GET LOW… GET LOW… GET LOW… getting down you will find better angles to get the bright background you need.  Position yourself first and then get the subject matter to place themselves between you and the sun.




Find that empty space that will make a great background. The locations crucial when it comes to capturing a striking silhouette. I’ve found that an open space works best: a flat, grassy field, a beach along the ocean, or a river bank. Evaluate the surroundings eliminate the distracting elements – cars, trees, buildings – that would easily take the attention away from your subject.


Tip #3  Find the BEST LIGHT

See beyond the subject, notice the light. In order to capture a clear silhouette, going out to photograph early or late in the day is best. You’ll need the background to be brighter than your subject.  The optimum time to shoot a silhouette is when the sun is low in the sky. Sunsets are my favourites to create spectacular silhouettes, but you can also shoot a decent silhouette against a blue sky.



Most silhouette photos, are usually standing, with little-to-no movement. But silhouette ACTION shots can be successful as well. Encourage dad/ mom to throw their young child up in the air. Capture a child jumping around, A golfer swinging his club or a cheerleader jumping up into the air with pom-poms in hand.



While people are often my go to for silhouette photos, inanimate objects are fair game, too. For instance, you could photograph the silhouette of a tree, architecture, the skyline, boat in the ocean.



Who doesn’t like tricks… This one is a big trick on your camera’s metering. You need to  meter off the sky, not the subject.  Pointing your camera at the brightest part of the scene . Then, recompose your image and take the photo.

Most of all have fun and step outside your comfort zone!