Mark your calendars September 22nd 2016!
It will be the 1st annual celebration of SHOES!!!!!
Where did the Project come from? My passion for photographing shoes debuted back at as early as when I picked up my first camera . I have always believed that you can tell so much by someones shoes. I used to say that the guys a date would have to have nice shoes. IT was a mandatory requirement!!! Some girls look at their teeth first, smile, etc.. I looked at their shoes.. That was when I realized, I was able to analyze someone by their shoes and I got pretty good at it!
Shortly after high school, I knew that I wanted to follow my dream and become a photographer. I applied to go to NB College of Craft in Design, where my college submission was that I had went around and asked a bunch of people that I didn’t know to photograph their shoes. Who would of though that today it would lead me here!!! Throughout my photographic adventure, I have always snapped away at shoes on the street, or even my own shoes in different locations while I travelled the world.
What is the Who the shoe are you project?
The Who the Shoe Are You Project I have been hard at work choosing and photographing women from around our area and their signature footwear. Carefully, I have chosen inspirational women who have made an impact in my life. The project seeks to tell a story based on the women’s shoes. The project will culminate in an evening of art, photography, martinis entertainment and lots of fun!
Who the SHOE are you? Grant
Karen Casey Photography will be launching that evening the 1st annual “WHO THE SHOE ARE YOU grant. IT will be funded from the proceeds of this magnificient evening. This year it will be focused on helping a young women in need in our city.
My passion is not just Shoes & Photography but also giving back! I want to help my community and not just bring together great people but I want to share what I know to be able to help a great cause or person in need each year!! This year a young lady who survived cervical cancer and wanting to start her own family are the focus of the Grant!! Did you know that most cases of cervical cancer tend to occur in women younger than 40 years of age. Being only 31 myself, and wanting to start my own family very soon, this resonated with me very hard, making me reflect on my life and putting myself in her SHOES!!! For that reason, helping this young lady, start her family with love and science became my mission.
Another few interesting facts for you… It is estimated that in 2015:
- 1,500 Canadian women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer.
- 380 women will die from cervical cancer in Canada.
I hope to see you all there!!! It will be a great evening &I look forward to sharing my project with you!!
“Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world” – Marilyn Munroe-
Tickets can be purchased at: